
I'm Mrs Ramsdale and I have the pleasure to lead Science at Wargrave. 

Leading Science enables me to see the excitement the subject brings in our youngest children all the way through the age phases to those that leave us to move on to their secondary school journey, equipped to develop further as scientists.

At Wargrave, we understand that all children are naturally curious about the world in which they live and are keen to find out more about it.  It is the job of science to harness this curiosity, so that children seek to discover more about and make sense of the world.

Practical investigations and first-hand experiences will nurture and refine this enthusiasm enabling the child to have a deeper understanding of the forces which shape the world and their place in it. 

As the children progress through the school, they will be encouraged to think in scientific terms and use appropriate scientific language and skills to investigate. Enhancement of thought processes, clarity of language and careful recording of results will lead to many links with other curriculum areas.

Children are innately spiritual beings, built with the ability to appreciate the beauty and wonders of the natural world and at Wargrave, we fully embrace opportunities for children to be in touch with a sense of awe and wonder.


I'm Mrs Ramsdale and I have the pleasure to lead Science at Wargrave. 

Leading Science enables me to see the excitement the subject brings in our youngest children all the way through the age phases to those that leave us to move on to their secondary school journey, equipped to develop further as scientists.

At Wargrave, we understand that all children are naturally curious about the world in which they live and are keen to find out more about it.  It is the job of science to harness this curiosity, so that children seek to discover more about and make sense of the world.

Practical investigations and first-hand experiences will nurture and refine this enthusiasm enabling the child to have a deeper understanding of the forces which shape the world and their place in it. 

As the children progress through the school, they will be encouraged to think in scientific terms and use appropriate scientific language and skills to investigate. Enhancement of thought processes, clarity of language and careful recording of results will lead to many links with other curriculum areas.

Children are innately spiritual beings, built with the ability to appreciate the beauty and wonders of the natural world and at Wargrave, we fully embrace opportunities for children to be in touch with a sense of awe and wonder.
