
Hi, I am Miss Smith, and I am very lucky to be the Geography lead at Wargrave.

Our curriculum, which is personalised for the Wargrave child, begins with the children creating their own personal geography, illustrating where in the world they believe they are. As the children progress, more knowledge and skills are taught, enabling the children to demonstrate where they are in the wider world.  

We provide opportunities for the children to experience awe and wonder as they learn that our world is an amazing place, given to us by God and filled with wonders such as mountains, lakes and rivers and how these are formed over time. 

We teach the children to respect God’s world and how it is vital that we look after it; we encourage the children to be global citizens and trust them to care and protect the only home we share with all life.

Michael Palin (2007) sums up Geography well, “Geography explains the past, illuminates the present and prepares us for the future. What could be more important than that?”

We have worked on our geography curriculum to ensure it is RELEVANT, AMBITIOUS and EMPOWERING - children will know more about their place in the world and will develop their 'personal geography' through geographical enquiry. We have also worked on ensuring that the impact of humans on the world is embedded within the geography curriculum. 


Hi, I am Miss Smith, and I am very lucky to be the Geography lead at Wargrave.

Our curriculum, which is personalised for the Wargrave child, begins with the children creating their own personal geography, illustrating where in the world they believe they are. As the children progress, more knowledge and skills are taught, enabling the children to demonstrate where they are in the wider world.  

We provide opportunities for the children to experience awe and wonder as they learn that our world is an amazing place, given to us by God and filled with wonders such as mountains, lakes and rivers and how these are formed over time. 

We teach the children to respect God’s world and how it is vital that we look after it; we encourage the children to be global citizens and trust them to care and protect the only home we share with all life.

Michael Palin (2007) sums up Geography well, “Geography explains the past, illuminates the present and prepares us for the future. What could be more important than that?”

We have worked on our geography curriculum to ensure it is RELEVANT, AMBITIOUS and EMPOWERING - children will know more about their place in the world and will develop their 'personal geography' through geographical enquiry. We have also worked on ensuring that the impact of humans on the world is embedded within the geography curriculum. 
