
Hi, I'm Miss Cain and I have the pleasure of leading Religious Education at Wargrave.

At Wargrave, we believe that RE is one of our core subjects and is a central part of our curriculum across each year of our primary education, before taking this knowledge to their secondary education to develop further. RE offers many opportunities, including the opportunity for children’s Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development (SMSC). 

Each half term, the children focus on a key question which directly links to one of our focus world faiths. Children explore numerous world faiths throughout each year at Wargrave, through following the Lancashire syllabus. This means that children can consistently learn about a worldwide religion, and this includes 4 key elements:

  • Gaining key knowledge of beliefs and values
  • Understanding how someone of this faith would live by these beliefs and values
  • Reflecting on shared experiences
  • Searching for meaning to consider what it would mean for them personally. 

It is delightful to lead RE to support children in becoming theologians, starting the journey in the Early Years Foundation Stage as children focus on their sense of self and others. RE also supports children to become increasingly aware of the world around us and subsequently enables them to become respectful and responsible individuals, which provides a constant encouragement for children to embed and live by our school Christian values.
