Messages from Mrs Holcroft...

Good Afternoon all,
Just to update you, The DfE has now produced a guidance document for parents/carers regarding supporting children's remote education during Covid.

The document contains some useful links for parents regarding:
Mental health and wellbeing
Resources for parents of children with SEND
Additional educational resources

Hello All,

Week 5, is bringing us a new challenge! I have just been informed that Ofsted will be 'virtually' inspecting school on Wednesday and Thursday this week. We are more than ready for this challenge and would welcome your help and support. Below is the letter regarding how to access parent view so that you can give your opinion on us at Wargrave.
Ofsted also welcomes meeting with parents and this may take place on Thursday, I will send more information out when I have it.
Thank you in advance
Mrs Holcroft & Team xxx

Dear Parent/Carer

Ofsted is inspecting your child's school remotely and we would like to know what you think about the school. Your views about the school are important to us.

If you are a registered parent or carer of a pupil at the school (including pupils on sick leave or who are temporarily excluded), you can tell us your views about the school by completing Ofsted's online survey, Ofsted Parent View, at:

Ofsted Parent View asks for your opinion on some aspects of your child's school, including the progress made by your child, the quality of teaching, how the school deals with bullying and poor behaviour. It also provides a free-text box for you to make additional comments, if you wish. The inspectors will use the online survey responses when inspecting your child's school.

To register your views, you will need to provide your email address, which will be held securely. It will not be used for any purpose other than providing access to the online survey. Neither schools nor Ofsted will have access to any email addresses.

Please complete the online survey as soon as possible, preferably by 11am on the first day of the inspection, as this will give the inspection team more time to consider your views.


27/01/2021 COVID 19 Information

I am writing to you to make you aware that we have had 3 cases of COVID-19, in school over the last few days. Although only Y6 have been identified as close contacts at the moment. I feel it is important to inform you of the advice from Test & Trace below:

As you are well now, you do not need any specific treatment or change what you are doing. However, like anybody else during this current situation, you are being asked to monitor your own health, looking out for any symptoms such as cough or fever.

What symptoms should I be concerned about?
You should look for any of the following symptoms:

• new continuous cough
• fever (a temperature of 37.8°C or higher)
• loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell

If you develop these symptoms, however mild, at any point. Stay at home for 10 days from when your symptoms have started and refer to the guidance at

You should arrange for testing for your child via: or via

If the result is positive, Contact St Helens Track and Trace Team on 01744 675252.

If you need to seek medical advice - Seek prompt medical attention if your illness is worsening. If it’s not an emergency, contact NHS 111 online.

If you have no internet access, you should call NHS 111.
If it is an emergency and you need to call an ambulance, dial 999 and inform the call handler or operator that you have coronavirus (COVID-19).

Need help?

If you’re isolated by coronavirus and need help, please call 01744 676767 to find out what support is available.

There are volunteers around St Helens who can do things like:

• Pick up your food shopping, essential supplies or medication and leave them on your doorstep
• Have a friendly chat with you on the phone
• Walk your dog

There is also a community hub operating, from which food parcels are delivered each week to our most vulnerable residents.

Take Care all
Mrs Holcroft x


Dear Year 6 Parents

I am so sorry but I need to inform you that I have just been made aware that we have a confirmed positive cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) at Wargrave in our Year 6.

Following the national guidance and, following a telephone risk assessment with a Public Health England (PHE) adviser, we have identified that all current children and staff in Year 6 has been in some form of close contact with the individual who have had a positive test result for coronavirus (COVID-19). In line with the national guidance, your child must now stay at home and self-isolate until 01/02/2021 (10 days after contact).

The letter attached (in the document section) will give you more details and information.

Regards Mrs Holcroft xx

Dear Parents and Cares,
In these very challenging times it is crucial that pupils safety is at the forefront of everything we do. If your child is attending school and is is not well enough to come in, please take them for a test. We cannot be sure at this time the symptoms of Covid in children so therefore a test is the most sensible option.
Thank you as ever for your co-operation in this matter.

Dear Parents and carers,

In order to try and manage the COVID-19 infection rates school staff have been asked to take part in twice weekly Lateral Flow Device tests (LFDs), from Monday next week. Approximately 1 in 3 individuals are asymptomatic when they contract COVID-19 and it is believed that the use of regular LFD tests amongst staff will help to identify those who may be positive for COVID-19 and are still infectious yet are symptomatic.

Unfortunatly, we are expecting disruption to how we are currently working both in school, and with our daily live remote sessions. Staff are now working on a contingency plans and will change how they are working over the next week or so. Teachers will inform their classes and parents of any changes when needed. We may reduce live sessions and increase the independent targeted work for children to complete and post on their portfolios.

Please be patient with us, we will try our best to keep going and keep you all informed but there may be short periods when we struggle to provide our usual standard of education and care.

Stay safe all and thank you so much for your support so far!

Mrs Holcroft & the Wargrave Team x



Dear Nursery Parents

I am so sorry but I need to inform you that I have just been made aware that we have a confirmed positive cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) at Wargrave in our Nursery.

Following the national guidance and, following a telephone risk assessment with a Public Health England (PHE) adviser, we have identified that your all current children and staff in Nursery has been in some form of close contact with the individual who have had a positive test result for coronavirus (COVID-19). In line with the national guidance, your child must now stay at home and self-isolate until 23/1/2021 (10 days after contact).

The letter attached in the documents section and will give you more details and information.

Regards Mrs Holcroft xx

Morning all
The Free School Meal Vouchers have arrived, we will be sorting through them today and sending them out as soon as we can. Please be patient x
Please read the letter, attached in the document section on the right hand side of this page, from the Local Authority
Dear Parents & Carers
Please find attached in the document section, a letter regarding my concerns over numbers attending school and how it could affect our communities.
Mrs. Holcroft

Good Afternoon,

Hope you are all well and keeping safe.

Staff would like to say a huge thank you for all of the support and kindness you have shown them this week during this very uncertain time.

Following the feedback we have received, the remote learning timetable has been revised in preparation for Monday and will hopefully help to alleviate some of the stresses at home.

Leaders are continuing to review and revise plans and we hope to have some new and exciting online platforms available very soon.

Please find attached the letter, which explains the revised timetable for remote learning. (Documents on the right hand side of this page)

Thank you for your continued support


Please find a statement from St Helens Foodbank below:

"As we enter another National Lockdown, we are wary that many people may be struggling and not know who can help them or feel like they are unable to reach out. Wargrave Primary School are foodbank voucher holders and if you require a food parcel you can contact school and ask for Mrs Crosbie".


Good morning all I hope you are all well and enjoying the online lessons! I have attached a link below to a questionnaire to see if we can support our families with Mobile data or wifi routers through the DfE. Please fill as soon as you can so I can apply for the help if needed

We have also applied for a small number of laptops to loan and I will update you when and if they become avalible.

Take care x

Thank you for your support and patience all parents who have been given a place have now been told. Those who haven't got a place due to high numbers, we have put you on a waiting list.

Update 1
All children attending school (if given a place) must wear full uniform.

Update 2
Free School Meal vouchers will be issued to those staying at home and who are entitled. The local authority are providing £25 every 2 weeks - more details to follow

Update 3
If your child is in school they can either bring in a packed lunch or order a paid school dinner. If they are entitled to a benefits related free school meal or are a

Update 4
For children who are offered a place in school this provision starts tomorrow 9 till 3pm everyday (nursery will differ). This is an education offer not just childcare, children will be expected to attend every day for the offer to continue.KS1 child they will be entitled to a daily free meal.


Dear Parents/Carers,

After the Government announcement yesterday, we have spent the day trying to sort out provision for the school to be open for a small number of the children of key workers and vulnerable children from Tomorrow 6th January. For identified children school will be open full time Monday to Friday from 9 till 3pm. Staff will contact you shortly if you have a place. If you don't hear from us by 6pm we are sorry but we are unable to offer you one.

Priority has be given to:
• A household where both parents/carers (including step-parents/carers where applicable) are key workers and cannot work from home. Where only one is a key worker, it is an expectation that the other parent/carer will look after the children during this time.
• In single parent households, the single parent would need to be a key worker.
• Families that are supported by a social worker at a high level.
• Children who have an EHCP, where we can safely offer support.

As a staff we are extremely saddened that this has had to happen as we care deeply about all of your children and you as families. However we do understand the need for this to happen at such an unprecedented and uncertain time. While we know that this may cause difficulties for many of our families, we want to assure you that we will do our best to maintain good communication with all of you and to keep in regular contact. We feel that this is exceedingly important for all of our children and families, and for us as staff.

FOR PUPILS ATTENDING SCHOOL FOR FACE TO FACE TEACHING Children will access remote learning and be supported by our LSA staff in school. As continues to be the case, no-one should attend education or childcare if they have symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) or are self-isolating due to symptoms
It is also essential that you notify school as soon as possible if your child/ren will not be attending, when we are expecting them to.
Children must be brought to school at 9am and picked up at 3pm. We would kindly ask that you continue to adhere to the social distancing and face covering rules.

The expectations from the Government and the Department of Education during the period of school closure, is that learning will continue at home. For our children this will be via TEAMs lessons and work posted on the ‘Dojo’ class page. Please see separate letter and timetable for home learning. As we do not want our children to miss any education, please can your child complete the work set by their class teachers. Work can be submitted through Class Dojo.

FOR PUPILS ACCESSING REMOTE HOME LEARNING Remote learning will be following the same curriculum that the children will be undertaking if they were in school. Daily learning will be provided via TEAMs and Class Dojo. If you have any difficulties regarding remote learning, please do not hesitate to contact us or your child’s class teacher via Class Dojo. We will endeavour to provide you with the relevant support as soon as possible.

You will shortly be hearing from your class teachers wil more details!

I do appreciate that this remains a worrying time for all within our school community and I, once again, thank you all for your ongoing support. I sincerely hope that you all stay safe and well during these difficult times. We look forward to the time when the children are back in school and life can return to some normality for us all.

Kind regards,

Mrs Holcroft


To help us plan tomorrow can I please ask parents who think they are in need of a critacal keyworker place at school to complete the following form by 1pm tomorrow. Places are limited and parents will be informed as soon as we possibly can.

Good evening all
I am so sorry but after the announcement tonight I have no option but to close school tomorrow so that we can plan and sort out provision from Thursday. I will be in touch as soon as I can tomorrow and keep you all informed.
So so sorry :(

Dear Parents and Carers
Thanks to the daily news, I know you will all be very aware of the political situation raging between the Government and Unions about the safety of schools in our area reopening tomorrow.

I feel it is important to give you all an honest update of how the staff at both Wargrave and Grange Valley feel.
Unitedly and understandably, we are concerned about the growing numbers of Covid cases and how this may affect us in the coming weeks however, we do believe that our children need to be in school and until we are told that all schools will close we will not take action ‘single handidly’.
After a lengthy meeting with leaders and staff at both schools I am pleased to let you know that we will be open tomorrow for all children. We are however, making a few significant changes to further ensure safety.

Those changes will be reviewed regularly and are as follows:
• Staff will wear face coverings at all times
• Any year group bubbles will now be class bubbles with no crossing for staff or children, which means no playtimes together, no group interventions or working outside of classrooms. The only Exeption to this is the Early Years which we will review this week.
• There will be no Breakfast and After School clubs, this is so no classes cross and will be reviewed every 2 weeks.
• Parents will continue to be encouraged to let children walk around to there classes independently, in the mornings. We will review the pick up times this week.
• Staff will not be able to chat to anyone on the doors so please message via Dojo if you need to.
• Nursery intake for new children will be staggered over the next 2 weeks.

I have had lots of messages of support over this last few months and this has been lovely. I know some decisions that we have made will make things hard for individuals (especially no Breakfast and Afterschool club for working parents) but we feel it is important to do everything we can to keep the school running safely and all decisions have been based on this.

Please keep supporting us in the way that you have, keep 2 meters distance when coming to school, wear face coverings (if you are exempt please display your card) and let us know if your child is ill or as soon as you receive any Covid test results.

Kindest regards
Mrs Holcroft and both teams at Wargrave & Grange Valley

Hello all
I hope you have all had a lovely Christmas break and a happy new year!!
I'm sure you've all heard the news about schools possibly closing with arguments between the unions and the government??? Unfortunatly, I have no official update for you and as far as I know there is no change and we are expected in school on Monday morning. I am however, worried that this may change very quickly and suddenly and if it does I will update you as soon as I possibly can.
I am currently working on new risk assessments to try and keep everyone safe and will post a copy for you soon.
Could I please remind parents and carers to let me know as soon as possible if your child is unwell or has had contact with a case within the last 10 days.
Best wishes
Mrs Holcroft xx


Dear Year 2 and Year 3 Parents

I am so sorry but I need to inform you that I have just been made aware that we have two confirmed positive cases of children with coronavirus (COVID-19) at Wargrave in both Year 2 and Year 3. The test date was the 17th December (our last day in school) however, the results have only just been recieved.

Following the national guidance and, following a telephone risk assessment with a Public Health England (PHE) adviser, we have identified that your all children and staff in Year 2 and Year 3 has been in some form of close contact with the individuals who have had a positive test result for coronavirus (COVID-19). In line with the national guidance, your child must now stay at home and self-isolate until 28/12/2020 (10 days after contact).

Again huge apologies this is something I really didn't want to do over Christmas but it is important we all stay safe!

Regards Mrs Holcroft xx

Dear Reception & Nursery Parents
I have just had confirmation from the DfE that the isolation rules have been reduced from 14 days to 10 clear days after contact. Although it doesn't affect the children coming back into school I thought it was important you should know that your child can stop isolating from Friday 18th December.
Mrs Holcroft x
Further Covid update
Appologies all but we also need to close our Nursery provision as a precaution. I has now been confirmed that the positive case has had contact with the whole EYFS setting. The letter below is also guidance for our Nursery parents. Children from both Reception and Nursery should isolate until 20th December. Staff will be in touch very soon!
Mrs Holcroft xxx

Dear Reception Parents
Really sorry to inform you that we have had a positive test result in our Reception class. Children were last exposed to the case on Monday 7th which means all children and staff from Reception will now have to isolate until 20th December. I can't tell you how sad I am about this but we will put together some online Christmas activities for the children over the next few days. Below is the official letter from PHE

FOR PARENTS OF DIRECT CLOSE CONTACTS OF COVID 19 at Wargrave C of E Primary School - Reception
Advice for Chid to Self-Isolate for 14 Days

Dear Parent,
We have been advised by Public Health England that there has been a confirmed case of COVID-19 within the school.
We have followed the national guidance and have identified that your child has been in close contact with the affected child. In line with the national guidance (ref) we recommend that your child now stay at home and self-isolate until Sunday 20th December 2020.
We are asking you to do this to reduce the further spread of COVID 19 to others in the community.
If your child is well at the end of the 14 days period of self-isolation, then they can return to usual activities. A negative test does not mean that your child can return to school earlier than 14 days.
Other members of your household can continue normal activities provided your child does not develop symptoms within the 14 day self-isolation period.
Please see the link to the PHE Staying at Home Guidance
What to do if your child develops symptoms of COVID 19
If your child develops symptoms of COVID-19, they should remain at home for at least 10 days from the date when their symptoms appeared as advised in
You should arrange for testing for your child via or or primary care
All other household members who remain well must stay at home and not leave the house for 14 days.
The 14-day period starts from the day when the first person in the house became ill.
Household members should not go to work, school or public areas and exercise should be taken within the home.
Household members staying at home for 14 days will greatly reduce the overall amount of infection the household could pass on to others in the community
If you are able can, move any vulnerable individuals (such as the elderly and those with underlying health conditions) out of your home, to stay with friends or family for the duration of the home isolation period
Symptoms of COVID 19
The most common symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are recent onset of:
· new continuous cough and/or
· high temperature and/or
· a loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia)
For most people, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild illness.
If your child does develop symptoms, you can seek advice from NHS 111 at by phoning 111.
How to stop COVID-19 spreading
There are things you can do to help reduce the risk of you and anyone you live with getting ill with COVID-19
· wash your hands with soap and water often – do this for at least 20 seconds
· use hand sanitiser gel if soap and water are not available
· wash your hands as soon as you get home
· cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze
· put used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands afterwards
Further Information
Further information is available at

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Dianne Holcroft
Executive Headteacher


********** IMPORTANT!***********


As you are aware, we are continually reviewing and updating our risk assessments to ensure that we keep our children, staff and parents safe and adhere to social distancing measures.

In order to ease congestion and ensure flow, we have evaluated our entry and exit systems.

Children have been issued a coloured band, which will indicate their arrival times to staff on the school gate.

Please ensure your child's band is visible when entering and exiting school from Monday. Children will be able to wear the bands on their wrists or attach to the zip of their coat or lunchbox for ease/ comfort.

Information regarding timings etc can be found in the attached letter.(Documents on the right hand side of this page)

If you have any questions, worries or concerns, please contact your child's class teacher directly.

Dear Parents and Carers,
May I remind you all how important it is that we stick to the times that have been allocated for drop off and pick up. This will avoid unnecessary congestion in the mornings and after school. It is vital that parents do not arrive before 8.30am as this will inevitably create congestion at the entrance gates and our support staff ae arriving at school during this time. We are currently looking into ways to further reduce too much congestion. In the meantime thank you for your continued cooperation and support with this during this difficult time for us all.
Happy Sunday all!!
Great news, our Nursery and Reception children can return to school tomorrow (Monday 16th November) as we’ve had the all clear! Can’t wait to see you all!!
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Parent Letters and Further Information 



Dear Parents
I am aware that the news, in the local press, of class closures across St Helens schools is concerning for all parents especially with the news that Haydock and Newton are experiencing high positive Covid results. At Wargrave, we have had a staff member test positive and have had to close our year 2 classes and move to remote learning for the children for a short time.

I thought it would be best to reassure you about the precautions I am taking as Executive Head whilst running the two schools in this Covid climate. I am myself a sever asthmatic and have changed my routines to help protect not only the staff and children in school but also myself.

Firstly, I am not going between the two schools within a day. My timetable is as follows: Monday & Tuesday I am at Grange Valley, Wednesday & Thursday I am at Wargrave and on a Friday I work flexibly, usually from home but if any 1 school needed me that day I would go there.

I am exercising social distancing were possible both within and out of school and obviously following our clean hands regime.

If I hold a meeting with anyone externally masks and visors are used. All staff meetings are now going to be carried out virtually via Microsoft Teams.

Movement around school has been restricted and if I need to speak with staff, I will ask them to chat either outside the bubbles or away from the children (socially distant). I also talk with children at a safe distance.

I am keen not to lose the interactions within school and do not want to turn the school environment into a sterile place however, I also want to try and keep everyone a safe as I can with what I can control. If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Thank you again for your continued support!
Mrs Holcroft x


Dear Parents,

lease find attached a letter from the Local Authority regarding the sudden increase in the number of Covid-19 infections in St Helens generally but with a concentration around the Newton-le-Willows/Haydock area.

Mrs Holcroft x

Letter Newton 100920.pdf

Dear all
Thank you for your support again today! The children have been extremely settled and on the whole happy to be back.
I’m so pleased and relieved that entering and exiting school went a little more smoothly (no rain helped!).

Today, I asked the Local Authority to come to school to help find some solutions to some of the problems we are having when trying to get everyone on and off site safely. The LA are going to try and support in some way and I will let you know what solutions they come up with when they get back to me.

There are a few things that we could all do to help ‘drop offs & pick ups’ run a little more smoothly in the meantime:

1. PLEASE only come to school for your time slot - lots of families are coming early and this is causing queues over the bridge.

2. PLEASE observe social distancing when queuing up, we may ask adult to wear masks if this doesn’t happen.

3. PLEASE can ONLY 1 parent do the drop off and pick up. We understand that younger siblings may need to come along but please ask older (high school) siblings to stay at home or wait outside in a safe space.

4. Please keep children next to you as they don’t always understand social distancing.

5. PLEASE bear with us as staff are trying their best and are keen to get it right. Parents being rude or not following the advice is not helpful and puts others at risk.

6. We WILL ensure gates are open on time and plenty of staff are around to help.

It is a difficult time but if we all support each other it will get a little easier!

Kind regards

Mrs Holcroft & the Wargrave Team x
Translation viewed by 1 parent


Breakfast and Afterschool club will be running from Monday 7th September. Parents can drop children off as normal - EYFS & Y1 children will be in the New Nursery and Y2 - Y6 will be in the usual rooms (please observe social distancing). However, parents MUST book a week in advance by emailing the office -
No daily short notice booking will be accepted, sorry.

Hello all
Please find the LA risk assessment for September attached,
Hello all,
Well what a term that was! I just want to say a huge thank you for all your support and lovely messages that have been received. It has been a strange time for us all! I will be available over the summer (apart from 1 week when I take Chalky on a walking holiday) so if you need me either send a private message or call my mobile.
I will be updating you on developments over the summer break via dojo so please 'stay tuned'. The LA are providing some summer activities and further guidance an attendance so as soon as I get it I'll post it.
Really looking forward to getting back to some kind of normality in September! Take care and give all your lovely children a hug from me and the team at Wargrave!
Lots of Love
Mrs Holcroft x
Last survey, I promise! Please could you give me a little feed back on our responce to Covid.

As you are aware dealing with the Covid pandemic has been very difficult for everyone. It is something we have never dealt with before and could never really plan for. We are all hoping it is a 'one off' and that we will never have to close the school down again in the same way.

It has been incredibly hard responding to all the changes at short notice and planning for some kind of safe provision both now and in September.

To help me understand how we have dealt with our Covid response as a school could you please complete the questionnaire. 

Thank you x
Hello all

I would like to understand what our families and children have experienced throughout this pandemic to try and plan for some continued support for all in September. Please take 5 minutes to complete this survey and add as much detail as possible.

Love Mrs Holcroft x
Hello all,
I am delighted that we will be open for all in September! I have attached my 1st risk assessment and guide for September. As you can appreciate things can change (out of my control) but if they do I will be keeping you updated throughout the summer break via dojo.

Please read the document and let me know if you have any worries. All children are expected to be back but will be in a class bubble and some of things we usually do will not be allowed, for the first few weeks, for example no whole school assemblies or eating in the hall.

School parental guidance:
1. Full uniform is expected from September 2020
2. On PE days children are to come to school in the appropriate school indoor & outdoor kit, children will stay in kit all day.
3. NO bags in school – each child will get a zip wallet for homework book (VLE to continue) & reading book
4. Water bottles must be taken home each day
5. Packed lunches must in a disposable bag
6. Packed Lunches for free school meals will be provided – children will eat in classrooms on a rota basis
7. The one-way system will still be in place – parents will not be able to ‘hang around on the school site’ or talk to teachers on the door
8. Drop off times and pick up will be in time slots depending on surname of your eldest child – please stick to times (within the document)
9. Breakfast club and Afterschool clubs will available but must be booked and paid for a week in advance – no day to day booking will be taken. The hall will be used and zoned for all year groups.

Thank you for all your support during this difficult time, have a great summer break and stay safe! Can't wait to see you all in September!
Love Mrs Holcroft x
Dear parents,
In previous years, parents and children have brought in gifts for the staff. Can I please ask that this year we do something different, children could make a card at home and if you really feel you want to give something please donate to our chosen charity, which is:
Philippi Trust provide counselling, advice and support to local families and children experiencing problem, which is incredibly important in today’s climate.
You can either donate straight to them on their website or send it into school and we will forward it to them.
Or maybe a card and a small donation to Mind, would really make us smile!
We are very aware of how difficult families are finding the current situation and we do not want anyone to struggle and feel obliged to spend money on staff.
Much love
Mrs Holcroft x
To help us plan for our wrap around care, to support working parents in September 2020 could you please use the electronic form below to indicate the sessions you would need throughout the week. Due to the ongoing pandemic the organisation and staffing maybe different however, we are keen to try and provide this service for our parents. 
Happy Sunday Everyone,

We are really looking forward to seeing more children tomorrow! For new children & families please follow these guidelines to keep us all safe and happy:

1. Please walk your children to school and keep them close to you. If you drive park a little further away and walk as far as you can.

2. Please use the main pedestrian gate on the right, a member of staff will be there to help.

3. Follow our 1 way system, all the way around the school and drop your child off at the place you are told. Leave the premises via the opposite gate .

4. You may have to queue outside the school gates - please wear appropriate clothes for the weather, shoes for the walk around school and please be patient & kind.

5. Staff will not be able to chat - even though they have missed you and would love to talk we must keep the flow of people going so the queue doesn't build up outside the gate.

6. Please do exactly the same when picking children up.

7. Please come for the correct time:
Keyworkers - 9am till 3pm
Transition Groups (YR to Y5) - 10am till 2pm
Year 6 - 9:30am till 2:30pm

Thank you for your help and co-operation!
Mrs Holcroft
Hello All,
Please find below a letter confirming transition plans for children in our current Reception to Year 5 - Teachers will send private messages to you, if you responded to our questionnaire, to confirm the 2 dates and what you will need to bring.
Take care xx
Dear Year 6 parents please find attached a letter regarding the last day in school for Year 6 children.
Happy Monday,
Please find attached a letter regarding staffing next year. I will update you on out transition plans in the next 2 days.
Take care xxx
Morning everyone,the Duchess of Cambridge is doing an online assembly at 10am on kindness. It is with the Oaks National Assembly. A great watch for everyone at home ❤️


Hello all,
I’ve been asked about Nursery transition and Y6 transition to high school. 
Nursery children will transition in September, we have a number of children coming from other settings and want the experience to be as ‘normal’ as possible. We are working on a video for you to share with your child and a letter will go to all Nursery parents to explain more. 
For Y6 transitioning to high school the Government have said there will be no physical transition before summer. I know the high schools have been in touch with parents and have put packs together to support children. 
It is a difficult time to try and plan anything but please bare with us.
Thank you xxx


Hello all,

We are looking at possible plans to support the children with transition before their big September move to a new class (and teacher in some cases). We would like to know if you would be willing to send your child in for 2 days so that they can say goodbye to their current teacher and start building relationships with their new teacher.

Please follow the link below to complete the form and indicate YES or NO with your child's name and class if you would send your child back into school for these 2 days if this plan goes ahead.

If you have more than 1 child please complete a form per child in the correct year group. Please note unfortunately, we can not guarantee siblings or friends will be in on the same days.

DEADLINE: FRIDAY 19th June at 12 o'clock

Your responses will guide our planning and numbers can not be altered after the deadline. If this plan goes ahead more details will follow.

Thank you for your continued support 


We would like each class to adopt an animal to support Chester Zoo. Please go to the Topic Learning Zone and use your year group survey to vote for your favourite animal and the most popular will be adopted.

We will share this with you at home and in school over the next 12 months!!

Vote to adopt your favourite animal and help fund Chester Zoo's conservation work in the UK and around the world.

Whether you warm to the cheeky chimps, rare reptiles or ginormous giraffes, adopting an animal at Chester Zoo is really rewarding.

Our name will be displayed on a 'Thank You' plaque near the habitat of your adopted animal To look at the animals and find out more information go to Chester Zoos website.


NEW BOOKS & LEARNING PLATFORM live from Monday 15th!
The staff are busy working away preparing the new Learning platform and home learning books, to be delivered today. They can’t wait to see your smiley faces (from a distance)! Should you not be in, they will try to post it through the letter box. Attached is a guide on how to log in.

Sorry I should have explained that log in details will be in the child's book that will be delivered today. The site will be ready for Monday xx


Dear parents please find opposite a letter regarding our plans. I will post the risk assessment separately.
Take care everyone, we miss you!


Dear Year 6 Parents
This afternoon you will hopefully receive a phone call from the office to to confirm who would be happy to send their child back to school next week. This is to help me plan the next steps for school. Please feel free to message me privately if you miss the call. I will then work on the plan and let parents know what is happening on Friday.
Take care 
Mrs Holcroft x


Hello all,
In light of today's announcements I am once again looking at our plans and will update parents as soon as I possibly can.
Please remember we are at the end of a phone or Dojo message if you need us. We think about you all constantly!
Teachers have been working hard on our new learning platform, linked to the website, for children and this will be launched next week.
So the excitement for learning is refreshed and the children can continue to work at home we will be delivering a new workbook for them to use along with a letter and log on instructions. Deliveries will be either tomorrow or Friday and books will be left on your doorsteps... look out for staff it will be nice to see your faces from a distance!
Please don't worry if your child can't get on to a computer or device at all, we can either drop off paper copies or have them available for you at school, if you just let us know you need them.
Take care
Mrs Holcroft xx


Dear Parents,
It is with a heavy heart that I am messaging you on a Saturday with a change of plan with decisions that have not been taken lightly.
As you may be aware from today's news the local R-rate has risen to above 1. I have spent all morning reviewing the risk assessments and with the support of the Governing Body we have decided to delay our plans to accept Reception children back into school on Monday.
School will remain open for Key workers and vulnerable children, these groups have doubled this week and we want to support parents returning to work. We will only let more year groups join us when we are 100% happy it is safe.
This has been one of the most difficult decisions I have ever had to make as a Headteacher but the safety of all our families, children & staff has got to come first!
We will continue to support you in anyway that we can please keep in touch via Dojo
Take care and stay safe!
Mrs Holcroft

Risk assessment review


Reception Parents ONLY,
Thank you for letting us know if your child will be returning to school on Monday. 
Please remember:
1. If you haven't told us you want your child to have a place you can NOT just turn up.
2. Please be aware that coming to school and going home will be slightly different. We will be observing social distancing and dropping your children off at school and picking them up might take slightly longer and you will have to queue. This is to ensure we can get children into school and keep everyone as safe as possible. 
3. If it is raining please dress appropriately, if the sun is out please apply long acting sun-cream.
4. Children must not bring anything in from home such as toys.
5. We will provided a universal packed lunch for all Reception children.
6. Children must wash daily and wear clean clothes! To help with this we have relaxed the uniform and children can wear own clothes when uniform is being washed.
7. Children will be in 'bubble' groups and may not be with their usual staff or friends. 
To help them prepare for all of this I have attached a link to a wonderful video story, from YouTube called 'Coming back to school in a bubble'. You could share this with them over the weekend.
Thanks in advance for your continued support.
Mrs Holcroft x


To all our home learners, we have not forgot you! Learning will continue from tomorrow and we will be in touch with some exciting new ideas for you!!

*If your child is on benefit related free school meals and not in school the vouchers will keep coming until the summer break.

Take care, hope to see you all very soon!!!!

Love Mrs Holcroft xx


Good evening all,

School has now been organised ready for some of our children to return tomorrow. Tomorrow we are open to Key worker children and vulnerable children all of whom have been told they have a place.

Please remember:

  • Children should be in school all week, so not to break bubble groups we will not let new children in during a week.
  • Children not on Free school meals need a packed lunch in a disposable bag and a water bottle.
  • Children need to wear clean clothes every day so we are relaxing the need for uniform - you can mix the days if you like!
  • Please put long acting sun cream on all children as we are not allowed to apply it and we will be using outdoors as much as possible.
  • Please observe social distancing at all times, You may need to queue up with 2m between you all when waiting to drop off or pick up.
  • Please ensure you use our 1 way system and stay 2m away from classroom doors.

I know this is a lot to take in so all risk assessments, policies and letters are below for you to read at your leisure.

Staff will greet you and guide you in the morning!

See you soon

Mrs Holcroft xxx


Dear Parents
Due to the increased demand for key worker school places we need to ask that any new key workers wanting a place at school over the next few weeks to fill the attached form.
The form needs to be completed and returned to the school office email - along with personalised and dated evidence of employment.
We will review the evidence in line with the government advice and list which will only be published on Sunday the 31st May.
We will then let parents know if we can accommodate their request on Monday 1st June. Depending on numbers children will hopefully start on Tuesday the 2nd June. If we have extremely high numbers we may have to stagger this and ask some children to only start on the 8th of June.
So we can be fair to all parents and accommodate as many requests as possible, as well as opening school to other year groups we ask that if there are 2 parents in a family both must be key workers to get a place.
Thank you
Mrs Holcroft x


Please find below a letter regarding our re-opening plans.


Dear Parents

We have been informed that the Free School Meal (FSM) vouchers will not be paid from the DfE as from next week (Whit half term).

We will be re-engaging with the Local Authority to help provide a packed lunch for all FSM children from Tuesday 2nd June. More details on how to book and pick up a meal will follow.

If any families need help please get in touch and we will do our best to support you!

Stay safe

Mrs Holcroft x

21/05/2020 Statement from LA

Good morning all,
You may have seen in the St Helens Star yesterday the Local Authority response to schools opening on the 1st June. I have attached the official one, sent to me for you to read.
Before the end of this week, I will send you my plans for Wargrave and new forms for possible key worker places.
Please be aware that a new key worker list will be given to schools on 31st May so we will only be able to tell parents if they have a place on the 1st June.
Mrs Holcroft x


Good evening all,
I just wanted to end the week with a HUGE thank you for all the support you have shown school, over the last 8 weeks. We appreciate all your messages and really can't wait for us to get back together. Please give your children an extra hug from all the staff tonight!!
Next week will be our final week before the Whit half term and we have decided that school will close for the week to ensure staff can have a break. I will update you all on what is happening when we are back in due course.
Lots of Love
Mrs Holcroft x

15/05/2020 Letter from LA re opening

Hello All,
Please find attached a letter from the Local Authority regarding the Governments announcement on Sunday to reopen schools wider from the 1st of June. I have already spoken to all parents affected and the letter doesn't change plans but supports our cautious decision making.
As soon as any plans are ready and agreed I will let you all know what will happen next.
Take care
Mrs Holcroft x

14/05/2020  – To all N, YR, Y1 & Y6 Parents

Good evening all Nursery, Reception, Year 1 & Year 6 parents

Thank you so much for the responses I really do appreciate your honesty and support. I have been over whelmed by the lovely comments and will be passing them on to staff. As you know I asked parents just for an indication so I could gauge the feeling and ‘need’ out there. The response was interesting with the majority of parents very unsure and not willing to let children return just yet. A few parents have asked for plans which I am still working on in conjunction with the Local Authority (LA) and teaching unions, however it is looking like we will not be able to cater for all year groups at once as we will not have the space and staff. I am keen to keep parents updated and want to be as honest as I can with you all.

SOME of the issues raised by parents and possible solutions are as follows:

ISSUE 1: Social Distancing - If children return we cannot have more than 10-15 in a room (depending on the size of the room). With all Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 classes mentioned in the priority list we would need approximately 20+ rooms and at least 40 members of staff.

POSSIBLE SOLUTION: Children will be encouraged to socially distance and I can’t guarantee they will be with friends, this will be so hard for all! Children will be grouped into ‘bubble’ groups and some may attend on a part time basis with staggered start times for all groups and a shorter school day introduced. I am working with the LA and other local schools to determine which year group could possibly access provision first. Please be aware NOT all children will return on 1st June!

ISSUE 2: Risk to children and staff of getting COVID 19 – this is a difficult one and one which science should guide us with.

POSSIBLE SOLUTION: Staff will not be able to work with more than 1 group of children, to lessen the risk of the disease spreading. Children may not be with their usual teachers. Small ‘bubble’ groups will be created and if staff are absent provision will have to be stopped with short notice. Anyone within the ‘bubble’ group displaying symptoms the whole group will be asked to isolate for 2 weeks.

We are still waiting for guidance on PPE for both staff, parents and children.

ISSUE 3: Provision in school and home learning

POSSIBLE SOLUTION: We are still waiting for help and guidance on how we would juggle home learning and providing school for groups of children. Regarding the school provision, equipment and building all rooms and equipment will need deep cleaning every day and can’t be shared with more than 1 child. We will not be able to open full time so that deep cleaning can happen. We have also not received guidance on whether we are to provide an education or just ‘childcare’ when children are in school.

Obviously, this is just to keep you updated and is by no means the full plan or an indication of what it will look like. As soon as all my questions are answered by the DfE, LA and teaching unions I will let parents know what is going to happen. IF we deem it safe (for all) to open wider my plans and risk assessments will reflect the guidance. I will not knowingly put any lives at risk, make decisions to upset or try and confuse! Can I please ask that all parents continue to be patient with me and support school at this difficult time, you have all been amazing so far, Thank you!

Take care and stay safe!

Mrs Holcroft xx

12/05/2020 - To all N, YR, Y1 & Y6 Parents

Dear Parents

As you are aware the government have proposed that schools will provide some provision for certain year groups as from 1st June. All the detail on how this will work safely are still unknown. At the very least we will need to change classrooms around and have children in small groups. We may also need to stagger the times of the day for the different year groups and close early for deep cleaning, every day.

With all this in mind, I need to start planning and working out if it is safe and viable for us to do. As your child/children are in one of the proposed year groups I would be very appreciative if you could let me know if you intend on sending your child back to school on the 1st of June.

Please reply to me as soon as possible via ‘Dojo’ with either:

Yes, I am willing to send my child in on the 1st June


No, I will not be sending my child back to school on the 1st of June

Please also feel free to tell me how you feel about the return and what concerns you so I can pass this on to the DfE or LA when needed.

Thank you & take care

Mrs Holcroft x

Sorry I should have said the DfE have stressed this only relates to Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 – siblings/children in other year groups will not be returning on this date.


Dear Parents/Carers,
Following the government announcement yesterday, I want to re-assure everyone. Like you, we have only just seen the announcement and that at this stage we cannot answer any questions.
This is part of the government’s conditional plan which it says will remain under regular review. We are waiting to receive more information from government and the teaching unions about what this may mean for a safe phased return for certain cohorts to our school. Let’s be very clear, all of us want to get more pupils back into school as soon as it is safe to do so. Our staff have devoted their careers to the care and education of children and do not want to see classrooms empty for a day longer than they need to be. However, the corona virus is a deadly killer with hundreds of people still dying every day, therefore our first priority has to be the safety of everyone in our school community – pupils, staff and their families.

In the short-term, nothing has changed. We will provide further information via the school app & website in the coming days and weeks once we are in a position to do so.

Take care, stay safe.
Mrs Holcroft x


To all parents accessing emergency childcare at school,
Please remember that Friday 8th is a bank holiday and school will not be open.
Take care x


We miss you all!


Childcare next week: Thank you for getting back to me so quickly! I have now booked children in, please don’t forget to bring a packed lunch!


Next week we have a very small childcare service for essential critical workers who have all been in touch with me and been told they have a place. If you need to speak to me in an emergency you can contact me either via dojo or on my work mobile number 07566512326 or Miss Epsteins 07926076621.
Stay safe everyone


Over the next 2 weeks please take time to relax with your children don’t worry about school work and timetables. Play games, bake cakes, watch TV, play in the garden and look after yourselves!
Take care


Dear Parents/carers
So that we can plan ahead (over the Easter break). Could I please ask parents/carers to re-confirm if they have any requirements for essential child care over the next 2 weeks.
We may only be providing care for critical workers when on shift and may also have to use a local hub (Newton County Primary) depending on numbers. As soon as I have numbers and plans in place I will let parents know what is happening – this could be tomorrow afternoon.
Please either send requirements via private dojo message to myself, phone me on my work number 07599512326 or Miss Epsteins 07926076621. or email the office  by 5pm tonight

Thank you for continued support 


Hello all,
We are still waiting clarification on the school meal vouchers which may be given to families eligible for benefits-related free school meals. Our local authority is still providing packed lunches for eligible children at the moment! Here are some of the facts I know and a link to the government information page:

1. We can only issue if our LA cannot provide the service needed - we are waiting for further advice on this.

2. If issued the vouchers are term time only so the earliest it would start is 20/04/2020.

3. We can issue ecodes so will need your email addresses

4. The voucher is valued at £15 per child, each week and can only be spent on certain essential items

5. Children attending school will not get a voucher as school will provide their meal

Follow this link to find out more:

It would be a good idea to now check if you are entitled to benefits-related free school meals as you may benefit from this scheme when it is all sorted!! Follow this link to find out more!

I will let you know when I hear more!
Stay safe everyone


This morning, the government have announced that children eligible for free school meals will benefit from a national voucher scheme allowing them to continue to access meals whilst they stay at home.

Schools can now provide every eligible child with a weekly shopping voucher worth £15 to spend at supermarkets while schools are closed due to coronavirus.

At the moment I have had no guidance on how to get the vouchers but as soon as I do I will let you know.

Stay safe
Mrs Holcroft xx

25/03/2020 Please read the letter below from the Local Authority. We need to know your needs as soon as possible so that the LA can plan a sustainable model to support children of key workers. More information to follow.


Covid-19 Coronavirus Emergency Measures

From 6pm today, Friday 20th March 2020, Grange Valley Primary School is CLOSED

From Monday 23rd March we are being asked to open to provide Emergency Childcare for vulnerable pupils and those whose parents or carers are key workers. The Secretary of State is clear: this is an entirely different role for schools and school staff. It is about emergency care, not education. Every child who can be safely cared for at home should be, even if you are classed as a Key Worker.

We have limited places available due to our own school staff shortages. The aim is to keep the numbers of children attending as low as possible in order to reduce the spread of this virus and ensure children/staff are not exposed to unacceptable risk. 

All medical advisers are clear that the safest place for children and families to be at present is at home with as little social contact as possible.  These childcare places are intended for families who have no other adult at home to look after children and who are immediately required to work in the response to this virus. 

Anyone wishing to access this emergency provision MUST complete the Parent/Carer questionnaire form (below). A paper copy can be printed from the school website or collected from the school office. This will allow us to further screen the questionnaires in order to allocate our limited places. (Please refer to Key Workers Priorities & Tiering document).

Children who are not self-isolating and have provisionally registered with us for Monday 23rd March 2020 should attend at 9 am and enter through the breakfast club door. Children do not need to wear school uniform and must bring a packed lunch, unless you have been awarded entitlement to free school meals (this does not include universal free school meals normally for R to Y2 children). The children will need to be collected at  .

Please look at the school website for Coronavirus Home Learning information.  Thank you for your continued co-operation in these exceptionally challenging times.

Parent and Carer Questionnaire Form.pdf

Whole school letter 20.3.2020.pdf

Key worker W.pdf

Dear Parents & carers

As we are all facing the challenges of the Coronavirus, working as community teams and looking out for each other has never been as important as it is at the moment. We are sailing through uncharted waters; facing an unprecedented change to our lives.  With work commitments, children, elderly relatives and all other aspects of life at home and work, some of us will struggle. Getting the balance between all of these different worries is a real challenge, and has the potential to impact on everyone, which is when we will need our friends, neighbours and communities support.

From Monday, schools are being asked to open to provide care for vulnerable pupils and those whose parents or carers are key workers. The Secretary of State is clear: this is an entirely different role for schools and school staff. It is primarily about care, not education.  I am sure we all agree that enabling children to access services across education, health and social care is of paramount importance. Our role is an important one and integral to a wider community response at this time. Vulnerable pupils and those whose parents or carers are key workers have today been told if they have a place from Monday

He also indicated that he would like schools to continue to provide this care during the Easter holidays. This will clearly pose a range of challenges and the well-being of our staff as well as pupils remains a high priority throughout this.

How we pull together as a community and help each other will be remembered for a long time, and will set the tone for our future culture. We will get through this and when we do we will have had an opportunity to become stronger together. Having change thrust upon us is not easy. Disappointment, frustration, anger and fear are all intensely negative emotions and can change behaviours. Let’s stay calm and avoid taking offence in this difficult time as we work together to overcome the significant challenges coming our way.

Let’s try and remain positive, especially around the children who will all be experiencing the same emotions. This situation can be a catalyst for creativity & kindness and we can find opportunities in this adversity to show our true values. Things may never be quite the same again, but I’m sure when we do return to normal we can take some positives out of this experience.

Finally, I would like to express my thanks to everyone in our school community. Firstly, I would like to thank all of the parents and carers for their understanding and patience during this incredibly difficult and stressful time. Your offers of help and support have really reflected the kindness and support that genuinely makes both Grange Valley and Wargrave such special places to work. Secondly, I would like to thank the wonderful staff that have continued to work under incredibly difficult circumstances. Their dedication to your children is something that I will never forget.

Stay well, look out for each other in these exceptionally challenging times and keep smiling.

Much love,

Dianne Holcroft


Dear Parents, As you can appreciate everything is a 'little up in the air' at the moment, following the announcement last night that school will be closing from Friday. As soon as I have more information I will update you all. Thank you for your continued support!

Mrs Holcroft x

18/03/2020 Message Food Banks 

We’re still supporting people with emergency food but we are running a reduced service due to measures put in place to slow the spread of #covid19.

Emergency help will continue to be available and below at the foodbank hubs listed below.

Tuesdays and Fridays - 11am - 2.30pm  St Helens CLC in Atherton Street, WA10 2DT

Wednesdays    11.30am - 1.30pm St Johns the Baptist Church, St John Street, Earlestown WA12 9NW


On entering the building people will be asked to use the hand sanitizer.

There will be no wraparound service so that means no drinks or food will be available or signposting to minimize contact and people will be encouraged to leave the premises as soon as they have received their food hamper.

Please do not send anyone to the foodbank without a voucher - our policy still remains the same.

If you are worried about asthma and COVID 19 please follow the link below to find out the latest advice.

Learning at Home

In preparation for any school closure we have put together a page of e-learning activities and websites that you may like to visit during you time at home with your child(ren). Staff have also put packs together to send home if we close. To find the page click on the link below.

17/03/2020 - Letter sent to all Nursery parents 

Dear Nursery Parents/Carers

Following on from today’s Senior Leadership Team meeting, to risk assess Health and Safety in school, we find it necessary to initially close our Nursery due to low staffing.

Remaining staff will be re-deployed in to other year groups to ensure we can continue to keep school open for as long as possible.

This will take immediate effect from tomorrow, Wednesday 18th March 2020.

We are very sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.


Mrs Holcroft

17/03/2020 Following new government guidelines we are being very strict in school and sending anyone home who we have concerns over. This is to ensure the safety of children and staff. We are having daily meetings to plan ahead and consider government guidelines. Today's meeting is at 10 am, and I will up date parents accordingly.

13/03/2020 From Monday we will implement our 'stage 3 plan' to mitigate and delay any spread of the virus. I have attached my action plan below for you to read. The safety of our children and families is paramount and we will do all we can (within the guidance) to keep the school open safely! From next week I will be cancelling none essential visitors to the school, cancelling events, trips and whole school gatherings. School is cleaned daily and children will again be encouraged to wash their hands regularly.  

Today, 12/03/2020 the government moved to the "delay" phase of its plan to tackle coronavirus. They have advised that anyone with a "new, continuous" cough or high temperature is now advised to self-isolate for seven days. If you have new symptoms and are self isolating please let school know as soon as possible. School is NOT closed yet.

COVID-19: stay at home guidance

Stay at home guidance for people with confirmed or possible coronavirus (COVID-19) infection.

Coronavirus COVID–19

We receive regular information direct from Public Health England. Currently, are no changes to the threat levels in school and we are operating as normal. Children are being asked to wash hands regularly as this is the most effective way of preventing spread.

We are currently planning to run all clubs, lessons, booster classes and trips as normal next week, based upon our latest advice. However, the local advice that we receive is being updated constantly as the national situation changes.

We now have a page on our website, in view of this, to reflect our school’s position. Please consult this, to be sure of our latest position.

A governors meeting will be held over the next 2 weeks, to ensure that we are as prepared as possible to deal with an escalation in cases locally.

Please let us know if you have been in contact with anyone from affect countries or have had NHS advice to self-isolate.

Please don’t panic I will update you if the situation changes!

For further information please go to

Thank you for your help.

Mrs Holcroft


Today, I have received the following letter from Public Health England regarding Coronavirus. Please read and let us know if you have any concerns! Thank you Mrs Holcroft

Dear Headteacher,

Re: COVID–19 Advice for schools and educational settings

You may be aware that advice for travellers from affected areas has recently changed and it has come to our attention that this may affect children and staff returning from school trips. Please be aware that this is a fast-evolving situation and we will continue to share any new advice at the earliest opportunity.

As of today (25th February) advice for returning travellers is as follows;

1) If you have returned from the following areas since February 19, call NHS111 to inform them of your recent travel, stay indoors and avoid contact with other people even if you do not have symptoms:

  • Iran
  • Specific lock-down areas in Northern Italy* as designated by the Government of Italy:
  • In the Lombardy Region: Bertonico; Casalpusterlengo; Castelgerundo; Castiglione D'Adda; Codogno; Fombio; Maleo; San Fiorano; Somaglia; and Terranova dei Passerini
  • In the Veneto Region: Vo

map has been published to help detail the relevant areas.

  • Daegu or Cheongdo (Republic of Korea)
  • Hubei province, China (returned in the past 14 days)

2) If you have returned from the following areas since February 19th:

  • Northern Italy (see map)
  • Vietnam
  • Cambodia
  • Laos
  • Myanmar

 Or If you have returned to the UK from any of the following areas in the last 14 days:.

  • Other parts of China outside Hubei province
  • Thailand
  • Japan
  • Republic of Korea
  • Hong Kong
  • Taiwan
  • Singapore
  • Malaysia
  • Macau

You should stay indoors at home and avoid contact with other people immediately and call NHS111 only if you develop symptoms.

Further guidance for educational settings has been published at the following links and will be updated as soon as possible with the above advice and any further changes:

Information for the public:

Occasionally, one or more of your staff or pupils may be asked to self-isolate because they are a contact of a confirmed case or have been to the specified towns and regions in Italy or other specified countries. The student or staff member will be given specific advice from NHS111. In this instance there is nothing further for the school to do. There is no need for schools to close.

Headteachers should speak to the Public Health England North West Health Protection Team if they have any specific concerns with regard to self-isolated pupils or staff and / or their school contacts and the rest of pupils and staff [office hours: 0344 225 0562 (Option 1); Out of hours: 0151 434 4819; or e-mail:].

Yours sincerely

Public Health England


E Learning